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发布日期:2015-03-23 12:06  浏览次数:
核心提示:在当今世界,读大学好像是人生中非常重要的一个环节,那么大学的责任到底是什么?康奈尔大学在强调个人发展的同时也特别注重社会责任,在你所能想到的大学的作用里,有培养合格公民这一项吗?大学又是怎样培养合格公民的呢? What is the purpose of college? Certainly it prepares students for careers and offers opportu


  What is the purpose of college? Certainly it prepares students for careers and offers opportunities for learning and personal advancement that they may not get otherwise. But what other purpose does college serve?


  Like many leaders in higher education, Gretchen Ritter, the dean of arts and sciences at Cornell University , believe that we also have a responsibility to foster good citizenship, and I think that’s one of the most important contributions college can make to society.

  像高等教育的许多领导者一样,康奈尔大学艺术与科学院院长Gretchen Ritter认为大学也应以培养合格公民为己任,那也是大学能为社会所做的最重要的贡献之一。

  Abraham Lincoln once said that in the face of political divisions, it is beholden upon all of us to come together by invoking the “better angels of our nature.” I hope that some of our graduates will be leaders in these debates and will devote some part of their professional lives to public service.

  How does college foster these attributes of good citizenship? There are three things that matter deeply here: knowledge, public orientation, and human understanding. Colleges do this not only through what we teach but also through who we admit.


  In my college, more than a tenth of the freshman class grew up outside the United States. We have students at Cornell from every state in the country, and every class, religious, or social background imaginable. That uncommon diversity can create challenges at times in competing understandings of what constitutes justice, opportunity or social good, or when religious differences spill over into foreign policy debates. But learning to navigate discussions that entail deep, passionate, and sometimes opposing commitments is an essential skill for all of us — not just in the public sphere, but in our work lives and home lives as well. In all of these ways, a commitment to the role of college in fostering good citizenship correlates to the view that knowledge and human understanding provide us with a pathway to a better future.



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