对于这个问题,有人说:“持有中国驾照不能在美国开车。” 也有人说:“在美国可以畅通无阻地使用中国驾照自驾。” 那么,对于持有美国B类签证的中国旅游者,到底能否持中国(仅限大陆)签发的驾驶执照在美国租车驾车呢?
关于这个问题就要从两方面说起,由于美国法律是 联邦-州-地方 三重体系,因此很多国内的信息动不动就说“美国XXX 是非常错误的。” 简单如枪支法,全美国就有51部,(50个州各自有枪支法外加联邦枪支管理条例),考虑到交通法是州法,但是交通上又有国际公约限制,这里可以不考虑地方,只看联邦 – 州 系统规定。
这里澄清一点:中国并非是联合国《日内瓦道路交通公约》和《维也纳道路交通公约》缔约国。因此中国驾照是不能附带国际驾照一起使用的。理论上全世界交通警察都应该知道,但是因为我们“中华民国”同学是缔约地区,而台湾驾照上写的又是ROC,有China的标志 所以很多美国警察搞不清PRC 和 ROC区别,于是经常糊涂的过去了。。。所以特别提醒大家,现在有很多办“国际驾照”的,做工精美,说的多么好,那都是骗局。除非你在香港工作,有香港驾照,然后去办国际驾照(IDP)。还得注意要拿到香港驾照一年后才能申请国际驾照, 因此本文尾部的表里一旦有 IDP required 那么等于说不承认单一的中国驾照。
由于美国各州的交通法规略有差异,且因此中国驾照能否在美国使用因州而异。严格如MA 是不行的,松如纽约和加州是没有问题的。但根据以往经验,建议你出国前到市级公证处,做一份中国驾照的“英文翻译和公证”,收费不会超过200人民币,这是最佳方案。因为今天中国驾照上虽然有英文了,而且有些租车公司为了经济利益会租给你车,但万一警察拦下,他们不认可直接使用中国驾照,因为驾照内容可不是“全部英文”。
1.下列清单格式:州名,否可以驾车。备注: “可以?”表示可能缺少官方/法律文件确认。如没有提供确切法律依据,请查询相关州有关规定。
2.备注内:“30 days”表示可以在该州/特区使用中国驾照的天数最多为30天;“16/+”表示驾驶者年龄必须16岁或以上;IDP required表示必须同时携带国际驾驶执照(中国大陆无法核发合法的国际驾照)。
亚拉巴马州:可以, 16/+
阿拉斯加州:可以, 90 days, 16/+
You may legally drive in Arizona using a valid driver license from another country. An International Driving License or Permit is not required, but is recommended since it can be printed in English, and can be used in conjunction with the driver license from the other country. If an International Driving License or Permit is used alone, it must be issued by a country other than the United States. Vehicle rental companies may have additional requirements.
However,Arizona law requires that you obtain an Arizona driver license (and vehicle registration) immediately if any one of the following applies. If you:
Work in Arizona (other than for seasonal agricultural work) -or- Are registered to vote in Arizona -or- Place children in school without paying the tuition rate of a nonresident -or- Have a business that has an office in Arizona, and that bases and operates vehicles in this state -or-
Obtain a state license or pay school tuition fees at the same rate as an Arizona resident -or- Have a business that operates vehicles to transport goods or passengers within Arizona -or- Remain in Arizona for a total of 7 months or more during any calendar year, regardless of your permanent residence.
Out-of-state students enrolled with 7 or more semester hours are not considered Arizona residents, regardless of employment.
阿肯色州: 不可以, DP required
加利福尼亚州: 可以,18+
科罗拉多州: 可以,16/+
国际驾照换也会被收回(我只听说过承认德国驾照,瑞典,马来西亚和国内都不承认)。刚问了一下原因,科州在denver metro area的几个主要地区关于机动车的很多规定都和本州其他地方不太一样,比如说尾气排放检测的规章之类,原因不明。
康涅狄格州; 不可以, IDP required
1.Visitors from another country are permitted to use their valid out-of-country license here in Connecticut for a period of one year with an International Driver Permit obtained from your home country.
2.Full time students, on a student visa, maintaining an out-of-country residency do not have to obtain a Connecticut license as long as full-time student status is in effect and are permitted to use their valid out-of-country license here in Connecticut with an International Driver Permit obtained from your home country.
An International Driver Permit (IDP) is essentially an English translation of a foreign language drivers license issued by a foreign country. These permits can only be obtained in the country which issued the actual license.
An International Driver Permit is not considered a valid license. It must accompany the valid foreign license. The reason to have an IDP is to ensure that your foreign language license will be comprehensible and therefore acceptable to all officials who may ask to see your driver's license. The DMV may not accept a foreign language license as a license unless it is accompanied
特拉华州: 可以, 16+
佛罗里达州: 可以, 16/+
佐治亚州: 可以,
夏威夷州: 不可以, IDP required
爱达荷州: 可以
伊利诺伊州: 可以, 90 days
I will be working in/moving to Illinois. How do I obtain a driver's license?
Drivers moving to Illinois may use their valid driver's license from their home state or country for 90 days. You may obtain an Illinois driver's license or identification card only if you are becoming a legal resident of Illinois. If you have a valid driver's license from another state or country, you may use it to drive in Illinois throughout your stay (if you do not plan to become a
permanent resident of this state). Illinois does not recognize the international driver's license.
印第安纳州: 不可以, IDP required
艾奥瓦州: 可以
堪萨斯州: 可以?
肯塔基州: 不可以, IDP required
路易斯安那州: 可以, 90 days
缅因州: 可以, 16/+
马里兰州: 可以,
马萨诸塞州: 不可以,
密西根州: 不可以,
明尼苏达州: 可以, 15/+
密西西比州: 可以, 60days, 18/+
密苏里州: 可以, 16/+
蒙大拿州: 可以, 15/+
内布拉斯加州: 可以, 30days
内华达州: 可以, 16/+
新罕布什尔州: 不可以, IDP required
新泽西州: 不可以
新墨西哥州: 可以, 15/+
纽约州: 可以
北卡罗来纳州: 可以
北达科他州: 可以, 16/+
俄亥俄州: 可以
奧克拉荷马州: 可以, 16/+
俄勒冈州: 可以, 16/+
宾夕法尼亚州: 可以?, 16/+
罗得岛州: 可以, 16/+
南卡罗来纳州: 可以, 16/+
南达科他州: 可以, 16/+
田纳西州: 可以,
得克萨斯州: 不可以,
犹他州: 可以, 6 months, 16/+
佛蒙特州: 可以?
弗吉尼亚州: 可以, 16.25/+
华盛顿州: 可以, 1 year, 16/+
西弗吉尼亚州: 可以, 90 days, 16/+
威斯康星州: 不可以, IDP required
怀俄明州: 可以,
华盛顿特区: 可以, 30 days